Friday, May 08, 2009

First Trip to the Zoo!!!

Originally uploaded by vanese
Tricia, cousin Jayda, Grandma, Grandpa and Mommy took a trip to the zoo back in March just in time for the Zoo's 150th Birthday Party!

We've been pretty busy these days...even though I'm working I always try to take tricia out during the weekends. We've been to different parks, toddler-friendly entertainment centers, zoo, birthday parties, easter egg hunt and hayride at a farm, church services, beach, atlantic city etc. Enjoying the weather as much as possible. Plan to go to Sesame Place, Storybookland, see the circus, and a few other things. Some stuff will just have to wait until she's a little older and has a longer attention span. But for the most part she's enjoying the outings and is pretty well-behaved out in public.

She's also walking and talking. Enjoying all the time she spends with her cousins. Being spoiled by her grandparents. Very strong-headed, always ready to explore and learn, not the least bit shy about what she wants. Love her more and more every day. Hate that I'm not working from home. But maybe one of these days. Atleast I dont have to put her in daycare right now.