Sunday, August 01, 2004

big little boston and pet peeves

Boston's a really nice big little city, perfect for walking. And the landscaping was done really well especially the esplanade and the common. I don't understand why people take the T; Everything's so close and even if you tend to get lost like I do there's always something to see and you can easily find your way again. I walked all day thru Copley Sq, the Theatre District, the Common, Beacon Hill, and finally saw the sunset as I returned home along the esplanade. And in 6 hours, I saw the Blue Man Group, A Midsummer's Night Dream, and half of Much Ado About Nothing. All of the shows were very very entertaining. It must've taken me 40 minutes to finally make it back here just before house chores but it was such a great evening for walking. I don't know why people complain about new england weather so much.

The only thing that wasn't enjoyable today was when I was surrounded by a bunch of dirty pigeons and felt like I was going to be attacked like in that movie, The Birds. And later a very big dog licked and nuzzled me. I'm starting to become really uncomfortable around anything bigger than an ant but animals seem to like me for some reason. The 2 cats in our house keep following me around trying to get me to play with them but I'm so scared of being scratched or pounced on. Once I was barefoot and trapped by one of them and started hopping around because she-a medium-sized kitten with no claws-was trying to play with my feet. And when they do follow me into my room I just leave. Ironically I had a kitten named Black Beauty when I was in middle school and she was always playfully attacking people, jumping out from under tables and stuff. I'd even let her fall asleep in my lap sometimes. So why am I so scared of the black and gray kittens in our house? I must have trust issues with animals too :)


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