Saturday, July 01, 2006

what happens in roma, stays in roma...

okay maybe not when half the people here are from your school...

crazy bar-hopping birthday

girls night hash party crashed

drunk before the pub crawl even started

almost missed the train to venice (almost missed the train back to rome too)

outside sketchy crumbling walls, exposed brick not in a good way apartment that was fully renovated on the inside

tube top disaster (funny moments) at the club; dancing on the hip-hop stage in florence for 2+ hours

cheek-pinching-rubbing your back waiters in venice and florence

locked in the bathroom

stefano the gondolier who adores black women

gondolier in training outfit

writing names on the wall leading into the florence museum to see Michaelangelo`s David

meeting up with my "high on ecstasy" roommates at same club in florence

chubby finger in the middle of my pizza

naked (and still a little drunk) in the sauna during business class

half a bottle of chianti to myself

fav quotes:
"YOU went on the pub crawl??!?"

"oh that was `maureen` (wink, try not to laugh) with the camera at the club in florence (we got a pic of you making out too :)"

"isnt t*a*ku cute?"

"[..] 10 times better when you`ve smoked some weed...only one of you should smoke though" (i.o. advice)

"can i ask you a question: why dont you do your hair?"

"wanna try some (insert whatever meat dish i`m eating)?" me asking one of the vegetarians

"eeehhh?...eeehh?" (i.o. trying out her japanese on taku :)

"ive never seen flat spring rolls get 2 for 1? that`s a huge bottle of water...why didnt we try this restaurant earlier?" (us pretending it was our first time at the chinese restaurant near the school)

"did you eat my yogurt?"

"hey do you still need to buy deodorant..."

"why does she sweat so much?"

"i can eat shrimp because shrimp are bad.." (says the vegetarian with no deodorant who was attacked by a school of shrimp in grade school)

"why are our beds pushed together?"

"who said i was black?...(after gondolier stefano denies my request that he sing to us and suggests we sing something since black women have the best voices)

" love mon*ic*a"

"let`s go to McDonald`s!"

"i`m not drunk...just a little tipsy"

"are you okay?" "you look like you`re hurting"

"the limoncello is the yellow one; the yager is mine"

"i wanna go to the partay"

"i think i`ll order 2 things" (me and moni)

"a drunk dog has three legs"

"why`d u leave me on the elevator"

"i wasnt sleeping...i was just resting my head"

"my name is Ka*Se*Tttta" (emphasis on the "ta")

"...saved the shortest for last" (mon at the banquet)

"all i need is a little bit..."

"oops...was i loud?"

"well atleast someone is getting some"

"from now on, im not drinking any more...[big smile here]"

"i`m not drunk...i just feel hot. feel my head/neck."

"my fingers are all tingly"

"is that an italian professor sitting next to you?" (me asking my IBT professor about this really cute guy who happened to be another rome professor`s husband)

"what`s that thing on your neck?"

"are you wearing a skirt?" "do you have another one (for me)?" "oh...i should know that since i`m half indian"(me asking one of the guys)

" that his butt crack?" (referring to same guy from a balcony 2 floors above)

"do you watch german midget porn right here (on the bed i was sitting on)?" (still the same guy)

"come back, zak"



At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. too funny.


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