Friday, April 29, 2005

hokkaido ii

just backtracking a little...why was there no security other than metal detectors at the airport/no one onced asked to see photo id or even asked any questions regarding luggage or flight destinations etc etc is the airplane the only real nonsmoking location in japan....why do people live beneath active volcanoes...forget that i actually went to 2 of them yesterday-i love drives thru the country and small mountain towns-and one of them had just erupted 5 years ago, the walking tour of that mountainside showed collapsed roads, volcano built lakes, and buried homes. we also went to an old port town, a famous lake called eruption bay because of all the active volcanoes that surround it, a few museums including a whiskey distillery/museum which was actually really nice and reminded me of a little town in connecticut. the best part of the day besides the onsen resort was the beer garden where we had ghengis khan in a beautiful brownstone sapporo beer factory.


At 11:13 PM, Blogger sdf said...

2 New Kasey Posts!!! It's so good to hear from you!

Hey I thought of you Monday b/c I tried Sake for the first time. I thought it would be like wine but it ended up being more like whiskey: alcohol-tasting. But it was fun for the experience. Is Sake big in Japan? Or is it like how we have French Fries in America, but there aren't any in France (except at American Restaurants)? Anyway, good to hear from you!

At 7:39 AM, Blogger vanese said...

sake is a big in japan. at many of the festivals there are ceremonial barrels of the stuff and at almost every dinner party ive attended it`s passed around (your glass will be refilled again and again empty or not). but beer is much more popular.

i also thought it would taste like wine :(


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